Dearest darling Since the day we have got married, I feel myself as the luckiest person of this world. You are that sunshine of my life who has the powers to fade all the clouds of gloom and can bring together the beautiful rainbow. Here is a little gesture to let you know that I love you the most in my life and I cannot imagine my life without you. Not just as my wife, I see you as my best friend, my mentor and a caring mother. Moments that I have spent with you are no less than the moments of paradise and it’s only with you that I see myself happy. Darling, you make me smile while I am sad, feed me with delicious food when I am hungry, caress me when I am tired and shower the affectionate love when I need it the most. I miss you each and every second and I cannot think of being without you. I really love you and these feelings will never die! I am looking forward to the day when my project completes and I will be back to the love of my life. Love,

My dearest, Today marks the first year of our marriage together…a year that was filled with such wonderful memories. I have never felt more complete, more secure and more loved than I have over this last year. You, my love, make me happier than I ever thought possible. Together we have shared laughter and tears. And through it all, you have remained my true love, my best friend and my soul mate. I struggle to find the words to express how much I love you and how much you really mean to me. You have given my life true meaning. I love the way you brighten a room when you enter it…oh how that makes me smile. I love the way you touch me and kiss me with such tenderness. And when you look deep into my eyes, I love the warmth of that glow that fills me. I love how you make me feel when you hold me close in your arms and how you comfort me and whisper, “I love you,” whenever I most need it. I love the way we can talk about everything and nothing and still feel our world is perfect just because we are together. You are the most beautiful __(man/woman)__ I’ve ever known and I cherish you more than life itself. The whisper of your name is always on my lips and is written in my heart forever. Happy Anniversary my dearest __(name)__. I love you and look forward to sharing all of our tomorrows together. Yours always and forever,

You know wifey…. You are a lot like Mick Jagger, bringing direction to my life. Being Practical. I am more like Keith. Well baby my flight is at 13.30, so will leave by 10a.m. I already have my boarding pass. I cannot tell you being away from you is like dying. I cannot ever stop thinking about you. And we have been together for so long. The Stones have been together for 50 years and have released a new song called Doom and Gloom. And it is fucking amazing, so excited to get new music from them. Why I love them and U2 is because like so many things in life, it is easy to just give up and end relationships. Yes there are fights. But we realize when we are together it’s like nothing better. Being together forever is everything. I see middle aged couples and I always say, that will be us. Nothing will ever end this my love. And it’s not because we have kids, or society or family pressure. We have been through difficult times. And we came out on top. The problems should make us stronger. Let me say one thing to you. I’ll be your savior, steadfast and true I’ll come to your emotional rescue That’s a Stones song. From the time I write you my first love letter to my love “you” And you waved that letter before the immigration section at the airport — Till today You are Godsend to me forever stay this way!

Hey Sweetie, I love you so much and miss u a lot. Hope you miss me like I miss you. I hope you care for me like I do. I really hope you love me like I do. You have been in my dreams since the first day I met you and since then there isn't a moment I have not thought about you. I wanted you as my partner and I face all the challenges life has to offered and I know you always with me and my side, there is nothing I can do without you. Thanks to being my life partner and hope you can hold my hand for long. I want to be with you and want you to be live happily with me. We will live life in the most enjoyable ways possible and there is nothing that can hold us back from being the best couple in the world. Just wait and be patient as I bring you all the joys of world. Yours only
Hello, my future wife. Whether you are reading this before you meet me, or stumble upon it after, I want you to know a few things. The reason I am writing this today is because I can’t stop thinking about you, and I can’t stop myself from imagining how happy we will be. Let this letter be a promise to you that I will do my best to be the man I want to be for you. I may not yet know all of the difficulties that come with a lifetime commitment, but I have enough relationship experience to know what I want and how I picture my life with the person I will commit to: you. Those around me are a continuous source of education and inspiration on how I want our relationship to be. So here and today, I vow to try my best to do the following: I promise to do my best to make you beam daily, so count on many surprises. Your smile will be my priority. I get weak knees when anybody smiles, so just imagine the effort I will make to be the source of yours. I promise I will always look at you with the same adoration as I did the moment I realized I loved you. I promise to try to ignite the same sparkle in your eyes I see when you’re surprised, inspired, motivated or when you are about to lean in to kiss me. I promise to hold your hand when we’re 80 years old with the same liveliness that I did when I crossed that line to hold yours for the first time. I vow never to let the excitement of dating me die down; I will surprise you with the location, the reason or the activity itself. I promise to keep you guessing where we’re going next. I promise to do my best always to interest you. I will keep reinventing myself, gaining new hobbies, new knowledge and new interests to keep you — and myself — entertained. I promise to have new stories to share with you, and maybe I’ll retell the best ones again if you insist. Our friendship will continue to grow over the years. I vow to challenge you to challenge yourself for the better; to make you think differently. I promise to try to feed off of your illuminating energy that will inspire me to do the same with myself. I will do my best to ensure that being bored never crosses your mind. Even in grief and darkness, I promise to show you the different shades of the dark, and to help you find the tiny rays of light that are always there if you seek them. After all, there’s always worse than worst and better than best; everything is relative. I promise to kiss you throughout our life together, with the same passion I had the first time I felt my lips on yours. When we kiss, I want it to slow down time — just you and me engulfed in our feelings. I promise to play the games you like to play. I promise to do my best to remain physically attractive for you, and I will do my best to be healthy in order to keep up with our children and grandchildren; someone has got to teach them Muay Thai kickboxing. I’ll train you, too; I want you to know how to fight and defend yourself, just don’t use it against me. I promise to help you to be healthy, both physically and mentally. I will cook and clean for us. Expect the best breakfast: traditional Armenian tomato and pepper omelets, followed by fruit salad with… well, I can’t give all the secrets out. I promise to strive to be a role model for our children. I want both you and them to see me as a source of motivation. I want to inspire them in the same way that my father inspires me. I promise to do my best to love your family as you love them and to be by their side as much as I am by yours. I promise to always listen to you when you simply just want to be heard; when you want someone to vent to about something or when you want advice. I will listen to you especially when you don’t feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with anybody else, and to the things you try to tell me when you’re not even speaking. I promise to always listen. During our life together, I promise to make sure that you feel as though you are the center of the household — I know you will be — and I will always try to show my appreciation for you because of that. Being the man of the house is nothing without a woman. I promise never to let my guard down in taking care of us. I know you won’t be one to be satisfied with the bare minimum. I promise to do everything that I can for you without taking away from your independence physically, intellectually or emotionally. I promise to create family traditions and to make sure that your legacy lives forever through our children. I promise to encapsulate the moment when I realize that I am in the most magnetic, amorous and erotic love with you, not to let that feeling dissipate to the best of my ability and to relive it with you constantly, always. Sincerely, Your Future Husband

My dear, good morning! Good morning my love. Know that there is nothing better than waking up with you in mind, even after having spent the night thinking about you. When I think or dream about you the best thoughts just come to my mind. I hope today you've woken up in a good mood, happy, and able to present yourself to the world with your bright eyes and with your most beautiful clothes to bring more beauty to this little planet of ours. You have the gift to bring me hope in any situation, from the time you wake up and let me tell you good morning to the moment when we go to sleep and I wish you good night and sweet dreams. You have the talent to transform anything into something more beautiful than the moment when it was created, as you add warmth and joy to our world. Without you, life would be sadder and the days would be darker. I hope you have woken up feeling quite cheerful and able to transfer all your joy to all who cross your path (include me in that list, too). My wish is that we are always happy! Kisses from your biggest fan,

Darling, There are times, like today, when we argue and many times, I wonder what we see in each other. At precisely that moment, the moment I start to wonder, I look back on all of the wonderful times you and I have shared together and that is when it hits me. We only argue and fight with the ones we care about the most. Have you noticed this too? After every silly argument that takes place between the two of us, we sit together and laugh at the argument … that right there is what makes us who we are. I am deeply in love with you and that makes each moment we spend together, whether we are arguing or not arguing, worth it. I love you darling and I will always love you, no matter what. You know, when I sat down to write this letter to you today, I had a million thoughts racing through my head – I wasn’t sure exactly what I should say, so I let my heart do the talking for me. You, my darling, are the reason for the smile on my face and when I wake up in the morning, you are the reason I wake up. You make it easy for me to sleep peacefully at night. Your love has given me a new life that is filled with a lot of wonderful opportunities and adventures. There is no person in this world that can or will ever take your place. I love you more than words will ever say. Do you remember that one argument we had? It was over what show to watch. I didn’t want to watch one of those shows you liked, but you wanted and we started fighting over the remote. Suddenly, in the middle of that fight, you gave me a kiss and that is when I let go of the remove. That grin of victory that spread across your face is something I never forget. That is the moment I realized my life would be empty without you in it and there is no other person that can ever fill my heart with as much happiness as you do. I love you. Honestly, there are no words that can describe just how much you mean to me, but I decided to write this letter as an attempt to declare my love for you. Since the day you walked into my life, my life has been filled with love. You have stepped out and showed me the true meaning of happiness and life. I wouldn’t want to spend it with any other person and am thankful that I have been given the opportunity to spend this life with you. I don’t know what I would ever do without you. I love you. Love always,