How Honey Letters got Started

The Idea of Honey Letters
I recently became an empty nester. My son at the age of 19 decided that he needed more independence and space. He has only moved down the road a couple of miles, but not seeing him or his sister everyday leaves me gasping for breath sometimes. They have been my life for 30 years (I had my daughter at 24 and then my son at 35 – there was 11 years between the two), and now I find myself struggling to motivate myself to work each day.
A couple of years ago, I put together a book for my Mum, full of family pictures. It was a relatively simple creation using an online service called Blurb. I had used them to create a few books in the past, and after the passing of my Dad, I knew that she would appreciate a book that she could open and look through easily, and show to friends and family who came to visit. I never realized just how emotional the exercise would be for me.
The idea of Honey Letters has been floating around in my mind since then. There have been lots of places online, that you can send an e-card or even have a card mailed but all of them seem to lack the personal touch. My son moving out, the need to be part of bringing people closer together during the recent pandemic, and nothing but bills and junk mail in my mailbox daily was what spurred me on to create Honey Letters….Enjoy and be well and safe….Alyson
A New Journey

Alyson, Owner and Developer of Honey Letters
I have been a work at home Mom since 1999 working mostly in the realms of sales and marketing. My daughter who is now 30 lives in England and my son, 19 just moved out from the nest! Honey Letters is the next exciting phase in my life, and I hope that you decide to be a part of that path. I also help small businesses with their marketing, by developing websites and helping with their social media and brochures. You can see information here.